America’s struggle against addiction is overwhelming, and Ohio feels the effects of drug and alcohol abuse as well. Over 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes every year in the U.S., and that’s not including deaths from other prescription and illicit drugs.

With numbers like these continuing to grow, taking steps to free oneself from addiction is prudent, not only for their well-being and health but also a way to get a fresh start in life. Fortunately, there are many resources in and around Marysville, Ohio, to help with drug and alcohol detox, rehabilitation and treatment.

Our Closest Facility:
the front of a large building with lots of windows.
The Recovery Village Columbus Drug and Alcohol Rehab
3964 Hamilton Square Boulevard Groveport, OH 43125
(614) 362-1686
Just a short drive down the road, The Recovery Village Columbus Drug & Alcohol Rehab is centrally located to solve any addiction problems you may have. Accepting all major insurance providers including medicaid and medicare, get admitted today and solve your addiction issues.

Marysville Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Treatment

Every drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is different, but the best ones take into account the individual’s own goals while formulating a customized plan that works to anticipate their needs, their struggles and ultimately their triumphs in overcoming addiction.

There are a variety of ways to help individuals with addiction recovery, including programs in the Marysville area such as:

  • Detox
  • Inpatient care
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Intensive outpatient
  • Outpatient
  • Aftercare

Additionally, The Recovery Village Columbus offers a full variety of these programs. All of these can play a vital role in helping an individual transition from a life of addiction to a life with greater freedom and independence.

Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs and Treatment Centers in Marysville, OH

Detox not only helps to flush out drugs and alcohol from the body, but it also helps the individual become acclimated to a life without the unwanted substance, as well as helping to prepare the body and the person for further treatment, including inpatient treatment that can address many of the underlying causes that addiction is often rooted in, such as mental health issues or poor coping skills.

Although there are no detox programs in Marysville currently, there are numerous detox programs in nearby Columbus, including:

  • Opioid detox (four programs)
  • Methamphetamine detox (four programs)
  • Cocaine detox (three programs)
  • Alcohol detox (four programs)
  • Benzodiazepine detox (four programs)
Marysville Residential Treatment Programs

There are currently no residential treatment programs in Marysville, however, there are two that exist in Columbus, making it easy for you or a loved one to get the dedicated, one-on-one help and support you need to overcome addiction.

One of the most important aspects to remember about inpatient alcohol rehab and drug addiction treatment is that you need to carefully evaluate each inpatient rehab facility on its own merits, taking the time to read reviews, ask questions and better understand the entire process that the facility features to help each individual overcome addiction. There is no treatment procedure that works for everyone, so the best treatment center will take each individual’s needs into account when formulating a treatment plan.

The Recovery Village Columbus offers residential treatment with a variety of amenities to further nourish the body and help the individual overcome the physical, mental and emotional roots of addiction.

Marysville Partial Hospitalization Programs

There are currently no partial hospitalization programs in Marysville, however, there are several such programs in Columbus, Ohio.

Partial hospitalization programs are an ideal choice for individuals who don’t need the intensive care of a residential program but need more support than the typical outpatient program.

Marysville Outpatient Treatment Programs

There are currently no outpatient treatment detox programs near Marysville, however, there are several such programs in Columbus.

Outpatient programs offer dedicated part-time medical support and counseling while clients live at home and commute to treatment. These treatment programs may include:

  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Trauma counseling
  • Relapse prevention
  • Medication

Sober Living and Rehab Aftercare Programs in Marysville, OH

There are currently no sober living or continuing care facilities in Marysville, but there are a variety of rehab aftercare options in Columbus. Twenty different aftercare facilities and programs exist near Columbus, Ohio. Even after you have completed treatment, it’s possible to still enjoy support through a strong network of rehab alumni programs.

Aftercare programs help people take their first few steps in sobriety with support. With sober living homes, people can enjoy a supportive environment free of addictive substances. In addition, many sober living homes also teach social skills and important life skills to provide the individual with an attractive means of improving their life outside of simply overcoming their addiction.

Specialized Treatment Programs in Marysville, OH

There are currently no specialized treatment programs available in Marysville. There are, however, several such facilities that exist in Columbus.

These specialized treatment programs may work with specific groups or provide additional services including:

  • Rehab for teens
  • Detailed assessments, including substance abuse and mental illness
  • Rehab for PTSD
  • Counseling, including for families, individuals and groups
  • Rehab for veterans
  • Social skills development
  • Rehab for LGBT individuals
  • Employment counseling or training
  • Rehab for pregnant women
  • Relapse prevention with naltrexone

Additionally, each program at The Recovery Village Columbus can be specialized to a client’s unique needs.

What Is the Process Like in a Drug Detox and Rehab Facility?

Detox is a vital part of the drug treatment process and allows the body to not only receive the appropriate treatment but also remove drugs and alcohol. It’s understandable to have second thoughts about getting treatment, however knowing what the process involves, during detox and afterward, can help ease your mind.


Admission at a drug treatment and rehabilitation center isn’t simply walking in and filling out some paperwork. Your doctors and staff will work together to better understand your struggles, the underlying causes of your addiction and formulate a plan that’s designed just for you. During this time, other treatment protocols and processes may also happen, such as a comprehensive mental health evaluation.


Detox cleanses drugs and alcohol from the body. This process takes time and your body may experience some unpleasant effects as it becomes accustomed to being without the addictive substance, but the end result is worth it. You may be prescribed some medicine to mitigate these effects so that you can transition to further treatment as you continue along the path to recovery.

Transition to Further Treatment

Once detox is completed, you can transition to inpatient treatment. This program may include medical supervision to ensure that the body is becoming acclimated to being without drugs and alcohol, as well as other treatment options including counseling.

To learn more about the rehab process, visit this information page from The Recovery Village.

Finding the Best Rehab Program for You

The best drug rehab centers are those which do more than just treat the addiction. Instead, they treat the whole person: mentally, emotionally and physically. If you’re searching for how to find the best rehab center, it’s a good idea to understand what’s near you, as well as what centers that may be some distance away have to offer.

Beyond these considerations, the best rehab centers will be properly licensed and accredited.

What Questions Should You Ask When Considering a Treatment Program?

It’s understandable to have many questions about the treatment process and choosing a recovery facility. Below are some of the most common questions to ask for any treatment program you may be considering.

What type of licensing and accreditation does your facility have?

For a facility to be accredited, they have an audit done by a regional accrediting body to ensure that the treatment programs they offer meet or exceed the high standards set by the accrediting organization. Facilities that have this type of accreditation have demonstrated that they meet or exceed the requirements necessary to help those who are looking for addiction recovery to have the best possible experience.

Do you have full-time medical staff? 

The best facilities have full-time medical staff available to supervise, evaluate and intervene if needed to help ease the effects of withdrawal and help the individual transition into the next phase of the recovery process.

What types of treatment services and programs do you offer?

Every facility is different, which is why it’s important to research them carefully and determine the programs they offer and which may be right for your needs or the needs of a loved one. Some may even offer additional programs to help develop coping skills, like teaching a trade, improved social skills, and more.

What is the treatment approach for programs at your facility?

There is a wide range of multi-disciplinary approaches that combine proven approaches and techniques to help deliver the best results that are tailored for each person. There is no single approach that works for everyone, so it’s a good idea to ask about which methods each facility employs to help you determine which are right for your needs.

What is the aftercare process like?

Aftercare is a vital part of the rehabilitation process. Asking about the aftercare process will help ensure that the facility can still provide you with the support you need to continue to thrive.

Do you accept health insurance?

Ask which insurance the facility accepts and if they accept insurance, how it works so that you can ensure you get the care you need in a way that’s affordable.

For more questions and answers about rehab, view the frequently asked questions about rehab with The Recovery Village.

Exploring Treatment Options Near Marysville, OH

In researching drug abuse treatment near Marysville, you may discover that there really aren’t many local resources. In these cases, it may be better to travel, and doing so has its pros and cons.

For example, some of the benefits may include:

  • You’ll be far from the pressures that may trigger you to consume drugs or alcohol
  • You’ll be able to enjoy a fresh start in a new location
  • You can feel anonymous by getting treatment in a facility that’s in another state
  • You can devote yourself to concentrating on your treatment and recovery, rather than worrying about what might be happening back home
  • You can get out of a toxic environment

There may be some downsides to treatment, including:

  • Taking off time from school or work
  • Being away from your family or friends
  • Being outside of your normal support network

Additional Addiction and Rehabilitation Resources in Marysville, OH

There are a variety of drug and alcohol addiction and rehabilitation programs available in both Marysville and Columbus.

You can use the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s treatment finder tool to help you narrow down treatment centers by the exact filters you specify. This map makes it easy for you to independently evaluate and research different centers to determine the best options for your needs.

Recovery Meetings Near You in Marysville, OH

Recovery meetings help you form a support network, which not only allows you to offer advice and a listening ear to others who may be going through similar situations but also helps you avoid falling back into the addictive routine.

A solid support network can be there for you, and you for them. Oftentimes, such meetings are also attended by people who have achieved sobriety and are living more productive lives, and who can offer suggestions, recommendations and simply provide support to those who need it.

Generally speaking, 12-step programs are the most common types of recovery meetings. These include anonymous-style meetings, including Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and many more.

Alcoholics Anonymous

See all Marysville, OH AA meeting places and times here.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery is a science-based recovery program. You can see all Marysville SMART Recovery meeting places here.

Narcotics Anonymous

Search for NA meetings in and around Marysville, Ohio here.

Al-Anon, Nar-Anon and Alateen

Addiction does more than just affect an individual. Families, children and parents can all be affected by addiction. Organizations like Al-Anon, Nar-Anon and Alateen can help by providing support to families dealing with drug or alcohol addiction.

Details on meeting dates, times and locations can be found on this page.

Non-Profit Organizations in Marysville, OH

Currently available non-profit resources in and near Marysville include:


Address: 715 S Plum St, Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 644-9192

City of Marysville, OH

Marysville’s longtime slogan has been, “Where the grass is greener.” It is also known as the Shaded City owing to its many tree-lined streets, and has its beginnings in the early 1800s. It has a rich history of agriculture and manufacturing and a robust education system. Marysville is located in Union County at 40°14′02″N 83°21′59″W. The nearest airport is actually located within the city itself: Union County Airport (MRT).

Addiction Resources in Nearby Ohio Cities

For those who are seeking alcohol and drug treatment facilities outside of Marysville, Ohio, there are also many drug rehab resources across the state of Ohio: