Outpatient addiction treatment at The Recovery Village can help you gain independence in recovery, build trust and develop new skills for sobriety.

Outpatient treatment is an excellent addiction treatment option for you if you do not need intensive care and can maintain relative stability during drug and alcohol rehabilitation. With scalable options ranging from regular interval therapy to intensive outpatient services and partial hospitalization programs, outpatient drug treatment programs offer a variety of choices for those who want to overcome addiction.

In outpatient treatment, you can benefit from psychotherapy, psychiatric services and medical care, usually on a scheduled basis. On the spectrum of treatment settings that ranges from a rigid structure to flexible autonomy, outpatient alcohol and drug treatment are geared toward the latter.

Outpatient addiction treatment requires you to handle considerable responsibility for managing your substance use disorder and daily life, so carefully consider your decision to utilize outpatient treatment. As always, seek an evaluation from a medical, mental health or substance abuse professional to assess and determine the level of care that fits best.

What Is Outpatient Rehab?

While The Recovery Village offers inpatient treatment for those in need of these services, a large percentage of addiction treatment occurs on an outpatient basis. If you have been considering treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction, outpatient drug rehab may be a viable option. So, what is outpatient rehab, and is it right for you?

How Does Outpatient Drug Rehab Work?

This mode of treatment has scheduled visits with treatment providers rather than providing immediate access to them and has the most autonomy, flexibility and convenience of all the treatment types, as well as the lowest cost. In outpatient rehab, you live at home and come to treatment offices as previously scheduled. This means that while you are in outpatient treatment, you’ll have considerable independence and will be subject to the typical rigors and stresses of daily life.

How Long Does Outpatient Drug Rehab Last?

Depending on the type of services you need, outpatient rehabilitation can last one week, several months or even years. Intensive outpatient services are usually designed to last for at least one month. Outpatient services requiring multiple contacts per week often last for three to nine months. Continuing care often lasts for months or years, as recovery is a lifelong process.

What’s the Structure of an Outpatient Program? Is Drug Detox Included?

The structure of outpatient drug treatment differs considerably from inpatient treatment. Whereas inpatient treatment offers care around the clock, outpatient treatment is available for a defined amount of hours and on specific days during the week. Outpatient treatment is usually directed to those with mild to moderate symptoms of addiction or to those whose severe symptoms have been stabilized by rigorous treatment. While it is possible to perform outpatient detoxification when withdrawal symptoms are mild to moderate, outpatient treatment typically does not include drug or alcohol detox.

Is Outpatient Drug Rehab Right for Me?

If you have decided to seek treatment, several factors can determine the appropriate level of care for you. You are most likely to be a good candidate for outpatient treatment if:

  • You have reasonable physical and emotional stability.
  • There is no need for intensive care for addiction or mental health concerns.
  • You live in a stable home environment (or in a sober living house).
  • You are willing and able to dedicate your energy to recovery efforts.
  • Being around your home environment will not trigger cravings.

It is recommended that you work with a clinical team or another medical professional to decide if outpatient treatment is the correct choice as a level of treatment for your needs.

Components of Outpatient Treatment

The primary components of outpatient addiction treatment include individual, group and family therapy, access to medical care, mental health counseling, and medication-assisted treatment with medications like Suboxone and naltrexone, if necessary.

  • Medical care: Appointments with medical professionals will assess a person’s physical health during the recovery process. If pressing issues come up, a person can be referred to their primary care physician (PCP) or a specialist for further care.
  • TherapyTherapy includes any combination of individualgroup and family sessions to identify and resolve issues related to addiction.
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT): MAT can help reduce cravings and maintain recovery at all stages of recovery. MAT is especially useful with alcohol, opioid and nicotine addictions.
  • Dual diagnosis: For the best results, co-occurring mental health issues like depression and anxiety need to be addressed during treatment. These dual diagnosis treatments can offer medications and therapies specifically geared towards mental wellness.

Types of Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatments are, on the spectrum of available treatments, the most affordable and independent options. However, even within the broad term “outpatient drug treatment,” there is a spectrum of intensity.

  • Day Programs: Offering the most intensive schedule of treatment, outpatient day programs, also called PHPs, engage individuals for five to seven days per week, usually for at least six hours per day. You’ll have access to individual, group and family therapists, and treatment for medical and co-occurring conditions. Though most individuals begin in the inpatient setting and step down to this level of treatment, some day programs can be a starting point for drug and alcohol rehab.
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs: With more flexibility than a day program and similar treatment offerings with fewer hours, intensive outpatient programs offer another way to step down the intensity from the inpatient or partial hospitalization setting. Intensive outpatient programs are often ideal for those who require intensive treatment but whose work, school or family roles have required them to pursue outpatient rehabilitation. Typically, intensive outpatient programs offer treatment for three to four days per week, during the day or evening hours.
  • Continuing Care: Also known as aftercare, continuing care consists of counseling groups and mutual support groups whose primary goal is to provide connectedness, accountability and ongoing support for those who have transitioned from more intensive outpatient treatment. Continuing care groups are facilitated by licensed therapists and are often offered at a once per week schedule.
  • Outpatient Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders: Also referred to as a dual diagnosismental health conditions that coexist with a substance use disorder present unique challenges to sobriety. Treating co-occurring disorders has a significant effect on a person’s chances of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. A dual diagnosis outpatient program may require significantly more treatment than one addressing addiction only. However, those with stable co-occurring conditions are candidates for outpatient alcohol treatment and drug rehabilitation. Effective outpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health conditions can occur if:
    • The mental health condition and substance use disorder have mild to moderate symptoms.
    • Psychiatrists are available by appointment.
    • The outpatient treatment program is intensive enough to meet the individual’s needs.

Benefits of Outpatient Treatment

When considering the appropriate level of intervention for drug and alcohol treatment, the advantages of one treatment approach must be considered along with a patient’s needs, desires, resources and the likelihood of success. Among the benefits of outpatient treatment are:

  • Increased levels of autonomy, compared to inpatient rehab
  • Higher levels of flexibility in scheduling and treatment program design
  • Ability to live at home and continue a committed involvement to an intensive program
  • Freedom to maintain a presence at work, school or with family
  • Lower cost than inpatient rehabilitation
  • Effectiveness at treating mild to moderate substance use disorders
  • Easier transition back to home environment after treatment

Related Topic: Benefits of intensive outpatient treatment

How Much Does Outpatient Drug Rehab Cost?

Since acute medical care is usually not needed in the outpatient setting, the cost of outpatient rehabilitation is significantly lower than inpatient hospitalization or residential treatment per day, but the total length of outpatient care is generally much longer than inpatient. The specific cost of outpatient rehabilitation depends on the level of service you need. As a rule, the more programming and hours offered in treatment activities, the more expensive a treatment program will be.

Fortunately, the number of insurance plans covering the cost of substance use disorder treatment has risen in the last ten years, and so has the amount of treatment those plans are willing to cover.

People who opt to pay for an outpatient treatment independently can usually expect to pay somewhere between $1,000 to $10,000 for the program, depending on the level of treatment and services. Individual therapy sessions can range on average from $50 to $150.

How to Find Outpatient Treatment Centers Near Me

At The Recovery Village, we offer exclusive therapeutic services and programs designed specifically for outpatient care. A program that meets your recovery needs may be available in your area.

Tools to Locate an Outpatient Treatment Facility

Finding an appropriate outpatient treatment center often begins with an online search. To find a facility that meets your needs in your area, you can:

In considering the appropriate outpatient treatment, consider facilities and staff which:

Do your best to speak to staff or patients at the treatment center to better understand available services, staff, and success. Treatment will be uncomfortable, but it should always provide quality care based on trust and respect.

“Substance use treatment is very individualized – Not every therapy or every medication works for every single person. You have to find what works for you. I help each patient figure out what options will help them be most successful. “

– Rachel Rohaidy, MD, Medical Director at The Recovery Village Miami at Baptist Health

Insurance May Cover The Cost of Outpatient Rehab

Your insurance plan may cover some or all of the cost of outpatient rehab. Our online health insurance verification system will estimate your in-network and out-of-network deductibles, coinsurance percentages and out-of-pocket maximums. Within 5 minutes, you’ll receive an email with these details – free of charge. Fill out the form below to get started:

    Check Your Coverage

    Instantly check if your insurance covers treatment at The Recovery Village. Once completed, you will receive an email with your benefit details.

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    Outpatient Programs at The Recovery Village

    Outpatient treatment at The Recovery Village is personalized to a person’s unique physical and mental needs, whether a person is stepping down from inpatient or entering treatment for the first time. At our centers, psychiatric and medical services are available to those in outpatient rehabilitation, and regular contact with a licensed therapist is highly encouraged.

    The Recovery Village offers a full continuum of care that begins with detox services and therapy through to aftercare and alumni check-ins. Longer periods of treatment help create longer periods of recovery. As you enjoy the freedom and independence of a life free from drugs and alcohol, the outpatient programs of The Recovery Village can help you maintain sobriety in thought, emotion, and action.

    Whether you require higher levels of outpatient care, or you need to stay connected to long-term outpatient drug treatment, The Recovery Village can help assess your situation and guide you toward the appropriate placement for your point in treatment. Call us today and let us help you find the services you need to set your recovery in motion.

    a woman wearing glasses and a blazer.
    Editor – Melissa Carmona
    Melissa Carmona puts years of writing and editing experience to work helping people understand substance abuse, addiction and mental health disorders. Read more
    a man smiling in front of a brick wall.
    Medically Reviewed By – Eric Patterson, LPC
    Eric Patterson is a licensed professional counselor in the Pittsburgh area who is dedicated to helping children, adults, and families meet their treatment goals. Read more

    ASAM Continuum. “What are the ASAM levels of care?” American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2015. Accessed June 23, 2019.

    Rush, B.R.; Dennis, M.L.; Scott, C.K.; Castel, S.; Funk, R.R. “The interaction of co-occurring mental d[…]pation and recovery.” Evaluation Review, 2008. Accessed June 24, 2019.

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator Map.” Accessed April 2019.

    Hasyashida M., et al. “Comparative effectiveness and costs of i[…]withdrawal syndrome.” New England Journal of Medicine, 1989. Accessed June 24, 2019.

    National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction: DrugFacts.” January 17. 2019. Accessed November 5, 2020.

    National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: […]uide (Third Edition).” January 2018. Accessed November 5, 2020.

    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment.” October 2015. Accessed November 5, 2020.

    Medical Disclaimer

    The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.