Valencia Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
Valencia is a neighborhood situated within Santa Clarita Valley, Los Angeles County, California — in the southwestern part of The Golden State. With over 30,000 residents from diverse backgrounds, Valencia is a cultural melting pot with must-see attractions such as the Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park. Visitors can check out Northbridge Park, Pinot’s Palette and the College of the Canyon Art Gallery — or attend the Santa Clarita auto fair that takes place in Valencia every weekend.
Like many other American cities, though, Valencia has fallen victim tothe drug epidemicas substance misuse and alcohol addiction cases are on the rise. This situation has been escalated by the continued availability of recreational drugs in Santa Clarita City and other Californian cities. While the local police department continues to steer their efforts towards the illicit drug trade, that alone is not enough to curb the problem as dealers have found their way on to the booming underworld online marketplace.
According to a Santa Clarita-based online publication — The Signal —heroinclaimed 11 lives in the Santa Clarita Valley in 2015, while opioid overdoses were responsible for 1,449 deaths across the entire state of California in the preceding year. Luckily, there is still hope for those suffering from substance use disorder in the area, as a number of drug and alcohol rehab options are available in the region.
Finding Help in Valencia
All these levels ofsubstance misuse treatment programsare available at different facilities. When considering drug or alcohol rehab, one might want to evaluate their options carefully before deciding which type of treatment program to go with. For instance, due to the higher level of specialized care offered by residential programs, they are more expensive as compared to partial and outpatient programs. It’s, therefore, necessary to check what your budget or insurance cover can afford. Also, if you live in a high-risk environment where you are highly exposed to the drugs that you are trying to quit, it would be wiser to settle for the residential treatment program as the other options leave you vulnerable.
Detox Centers
The recommended initial step in curbing substance addiction isdetoxification, whereby the drug substances are gradually eliminated from the body. Most people who have been taking drugs for a long time end up experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms at the detoxification stage of treatment.
Even though detoxification helps to manage the physiological effects of drug use stoppage, it doesn’t help curb the psychological and behavioral issues linked with addiction. That is why it’s important to have patients closely monitored to reduce chances of experiencing a recurrence of use. Hence, it is recommended that one checks into a residential facility or hires an addiction expert to aid them through this difficult process. At such institutions, the dangerous side effects of detoxification can be managed through medically induced withdrawal, whereby patients are administered medication to aid in substance withdrawal. There are many drug and alcohol detox centers, most of which double as residential treatment facilities.
There are drug and alcohol rehab centers for you to choose from. Additionally, several facilities in other cities within the state of California also offer drug and alcohol recovery services.