Heroin cutting agents are included in heroin sold on the streets. These cutting agents can be extremely harmful. Heroin is a highly addictive and illicit opioid drug that is often cut...

It’s unfortunate that drugs become glamorized because they destroy lives and cause death, but what exactly was the heroin chic movement? Drug use and addiction are severe, pervasive problems around...

How can you tell if someone close to you is using heroin? Learn what the signs of heroin use are to better understand how people use heroin and recognize the...

Using semi-synthetic opiates like heroin carries a high risk of fatally overdosing. Recognizing a heroin overdose is happening and acting quickly can save a person’s life. A heroin overdose can...

When a pregnant woman uses heroin, there is a risk of premature birth, placental abruption, and low birth weight, but medication-assisted treatment can reduce harm. Article at a Glance: Every...

What effects can heroin have on the brain? Learn about the brain damage and chemical changes that heroin creates and find out if the damage is reversible. What heroin does...

When someone starts abusing heroin, they will often lose weight, which can be one of the first telltale signs that something isn’t right. Article at a Glance: In recent years,...

Recovery from heroin isn't easy, but it's possible. Here are a few tips to help you boost your chances in heroin recovery. The devastating consequences of using heroin are evident in the...