Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources

The sleepy village of Middletown, New York is nestled in the Hudson Valley close to the Wallkill River and the Shawangunk Mountains. Dairy farms surround the town in their pastoral beauty while Middletown boasts of two famous architectural gems: the Hillside cemetery and the J.W. Corley Elementary school. The Hillside cemetery was designed by British architect, Calvert Vaux. Vaux helped Frederick Law Olmstead design New York City’s Central Park. The J.W. Corley Elementary school was built by Paul Rudolph during his post as Dean at the Yale School of Architecture.

Behind the façade of this small town, an epidemic is growing and ripping families apart. Alcohol and drug misuse is considered as deadly as heart disease and cancer, according to the Center for Disease Control.

In Orange County alone (during the first four months of 2017), there were 18 suspected drug overdose fatalities and 15 confirmed drug related deaths. Authorities administered the lifesaving drug, Narcan, 138 times from January 2017 to April 2017. The draconian Rockefeller laws against the trafficking and use of narcotics are facing a rebirth in New York State Penal law. These staunch consequences are coupled with the severe risk of fatality for individuals who misuse prescription opioids, heroincocaine and other substances.

There are severe consequences if a use disorder goes left untreated.

Our Closest Facility:
a sign in front of a building.
The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper Drug & Alcohol Rehab
761 Cuthbert Boulevard Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
The Recovery Village does not operate in the state of New York. Our closest facility can be seen in the map above.

Finding Help & Recovery in Middletown, NY

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in Middletown, New York

Different programs often share similar approaches to recovery. Quality treatment facilities understand that alcoholism and drug misuse aren’t moral failings, but are illnesses. Addiction like any other chronic condition deserves the attention and care of professionals. The decision to pursue treatment is commendable, but be very honest with yourself about the location of your recuperation. A cancer patient wouldn’t delay traveling to another city to receive treatment; they would put their daily activities on hold and do all they could to fight cancer. You may need to take a break from your life to regain your health too.

Residential Treatment Programs

Residential treatment programs also referred to as retreat based or inpatient treatment programs are facilities which require the patients to reside on-site throughout the duration of their recovery. Patients are observed by a medical staff and may prescribe a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to ease the withdrawal symptoms of prescription opioids, heroin and alcohol.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

Partial hospitalization programs share many characteristics in their approach to rehabilitation with retreat-based therapies. Both programs require participants to go through detoxification, individual and group cognitive behavioral therapy and other skills for life-long management of this condition. Partial hospitalization programs ask their patients to reside on-site during the detox process, so a medical team can monitor their patients during this stage. Once the toxins are cleared from your system, you will return home and commute daily for required treatments.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Outpatient treatment programs have many similarities with both residential and partial hospitalization programs, but without the added support of a medical team supervising your recovery. Outpatient treatment can be effective, but it is the most difficult type of recuperative program because the patient remains in an uncontrolled environment.

Deciding upon a rehabilitation clinic can be an overwhelming experience. There are 28 treatment facilities within 25 miles of Middletown, New York. Venturing away from Middletown may be the best course for recovery success. The removal of temptation and the stresses of daily life, while completing therapy in an enriching environment can be a highly effective form of treatment for use disorders.

Detox Centers

Detoxification is going to be difficult, even with medication and a medical team monitoring your progress. It’s recommended to steer clear of any recovery facility that only concentrates on the detox phase of recuperation. Detox is a big step in the right direction, but the key word is step. Detox is only a component of a long-term recovery plan. Cleansing out your system is pointless without discovering what elements and circumstances of your daily life have brought you to this juncture. Self-medicating is a symptom of alcoholism and drug misuse, not the root problem.

Advanced treatment clinics will offer their patients a wide range of treatment approaches.

Recovery Meetings Near You in Middletown

Recovery meetings or otherwise known as aftercare programs are where the patient will complete the majority of their recovery. Fellowships like SMART Recovery and Narcotics Anonymous provide patients with a wide-spread support system. Many recovered individuals rely on these aftercare programs to get them through the challenges and stresses of daily life.

AA Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous has been helping people stay sober for almost a century. AA is an international, non-profit organization that regularly convenes at community centers and churches to provide a supportive community for recovering alcoholics. AA is spiritually based but doesn’t adhere to any specific religion or creed. Anyone struggling with alcohol is welcome to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Members take turns addressing the group about their concerns, questions and revelations as they move through the 12 steps. Also, members often engage in a sponsorship with another AA member to help them through the journey to sobriety.

208 North St.
Middletown, NY 10940

Top of the Hill Group
United Presbyterian Church
25 Orchard St.
Middletown, NY 10940

Clean Sweep Group
Middletown Vet Center
Ste. 203
726 E. Main St.
Middletown, NY 10940

NA Meetings

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings

Narcotics Anonymous is a brother organization to Alcoholics Anonymous that concentrates on helping individuals recover from the misuse of prescription opioids, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other drugs. NA is an aftercare program for anyone willing to follow the 12 traditions to health. NA members gather together to listen to one another process their victories and defeats in the war against substance misuse. Narcotics Anonymous and AA meetings are always free and their literature can be accessed on the internet. NA members often have a sponsor and later on in their own recovery become a sponsor to a newly sober NA member. These bonds supply an additional supportive construct to aid the patient to recovery.

Avent House
208 North St.
Middletown, NY 10940

Universal Unitarian Church
6 Orchard St.
Middletown, NY 10940

Summitfield Library
22 Sweezy Ave.
Middletown, NY 10940

SMART Recovery Meetings

SMART Recovery Meetings

SMART Recovery is a newer form of group fellowship for recovering participants. SMART is an acronym for Self-Management and Recovery Training. SMART Recovery meetings are based on a four point program that includes:

  1. Enhance and maintain motivation to stay sober.
  2. Manage urges.
  3. Coping with behaviors, feelings and thoughts.
  4. Weighing the momentary and enduring pleasures with objectivity.

SMART Recovery meetings are conversational instead of testimonial meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous. The program’s top authority is said to be scientific knowledge and rational thought. SMART Recovery doesn’t subscribe to any religion or spiritual school of thought. If you’re interested SMART Recovery, please get in touch with the facilitator before attending a meeting.

The Center for Prevention
65 Sparta Rd.
Newton, NJ 07860

Rockland Council on Alcoholism (RCADD)
25 Smith Rd.
Nanuet, NY 10954

Dutchess Community College
53 Pendell Rd.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings

Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings

The patient’s family and friends don’t go through the pain of withdrawal, but loved ones suffer. Children with parents who misuse prescription opioids, heroin, cocaine, crack and other narcotics are at-risk for being maltreated.  An approximated 12 percent of kids in the United States live with a parent who misuses alcohol or narcotics. Parents of drug misusers and alcoholics worry their children will die from overdose, spend their lives in prison or get killed while engaged in drug-related activities. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are cousin fellowships to AA and NA, except these meetings focus on providing your family with the information and support they need to healthfully cope with this disease.

Orange Regional Medical Center (ORMC)
110 Crystal Run Rd.
Middletown, NY 10941

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
90 Euclid Ave.
Middletown, NY 10941

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
101 Main St.
Chester, NY 10918

For those who are seeking drug or alcohol rehab in Middletown, New York, there is a plethora of options available. It may also be smart to explore additional options in the surrounding communities.