Oramorph is a medication given to patients to relieve severe, ongoing pain such as pain resulting from cancer.
What is Oramorph?
It is a prescription medication in the opioid analgesic class. As a caution, high strength Oramorph with 100 milligrams or more per tablet should be used only by patients who are used to taking moderate to large doses of the medication. Using this medication when you are not accustomed to such large doses will predispose you tooverdoseor even death. Also, Oramorph should not be used for short-term or mild pain.
Common side effects associated with Oramorph use arenausea, vomiting, constipation, sweating, lightheadedness, dizziness,and drowsiness. These should go away as your body adjusts to the medication and do not requiremedical attention. If these side effects persist or worsen over time, be sure to let your doctor know.
Seriousside effects associated with using Oramorpharemood changes, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, severe stomach or abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, and signs of your adrenal glands not working well (e.g., loss of appetite, unusual tiredness, and weight loss). Report any of these serious side effects to your doctor right away if they become noticeable.
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This is not a complete list of possible Oramorph side effects. If you feel you are experiencing a side effect of Oramorph that is not mentioned above, call your doctor for more information.
How Long Does Oramorph Stay in Your System?
The length of time Oramorph and other substances stay in a patient’s system depends on that patient’s physiology. On average, Oramorph should be eliminated from the body within a few short days — although this time may be increased or decreased based on the patient’s unique situation.
Oramorph Prescription Facts
Certain groups of people in the United States have higher rates of opioid pain-reliever use than others. Here are some statistics onopioiduse as recorded by theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention:
- American adults 40 years and older are more likely to use prescription opioids than those between the ages of 20 and 39.
- Women are more likely to use prescription opioids than their male counterparts.
- Non-Hispanic white Americans have the highest rate of opioid use among other races.
Oramorph Regulations
Oramorph is a prescription medication that should be used only under a doctor’s supervision. Never take this medication without a prescription, as this is illegal. It is also illegal to distribute Oramorph to anyone without a prescription.
Most Commonly Abused Drugs Containing Oramorph
The most commonly abused drugs containing Oramorph are the medication itself and its generic form,morphine. Remember, do not take Oramorph unless it is prescribed to you, as opioids are highly addictive medications.
How Oramorph Affects the Brain and Body
Oramoprh is an opioid analgesic, which means it affects the brain and body by changing how they interpret pain. Oramorph influences how the brain translates the pain a patient experiences, and the brain then changes the way the body feels the pain.
Half-Life of Oramorph
Oramorph has a relatively short half-life of just 2 hours. The half-life of medications determines when half of its original value has deteriorated in the body. However, some patients’ bodies may process Oramorph at a faster or slower rate, therefore affecting the half-life of Oramorph.
Factors That Influence How Long Oramorph Stays in Your System
There are several factors that contribute to the length of time Oramorph and other medications will stay in your system. These include, but are not limited to, your age, metabolism, genetics, organ function, Oramorph dosage levels, and the frequency with which you use Oramorph.
How Long Does Oramorph Stay in Your Urine, Hair, and Blood?
The following are a few estimates as to how long Oramorph can be found in your urine, hair, and blood:
- Urine: Oramorph will usually be undetectable in urine samples 4 days after its last use.
- Hair: Traces of Oramorph can be found in hair follicles up to 90 days after its last use.
- Blood: Oramorph can be found in blood samples up to 3 days after its last use.
If you or someone you love is struggling withOramorph addictionor another substance use disorder, seek help as soon as possible.