Pica involves eating nonfood substances and can be especially risky during pregnancy. Learn the causes, symptoms and available treatments for pica. Many changes occur in women during pregnancy and it’s...

Pica is an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of non-food items. There are many misconceptions, including these five common myths, surrounding this obscure eating disorder. Pica is a health condition...

Pica is the craving and ingestion of non-food substances. Learn about the risks involved and the treatment options available. Pica is the compulsive behavior of eating non-food items such as dirt,...

Although pica may not be directly linked to substance abuse, many people with pica also have other mental health conditions that can increase their risk of addiction. People with pica feel the...

Pica may not always resolve on its own, so it’s important to understand the condition and learn about available treatment options. Pica is a mental health condition characterized by the intense...