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Ecstasy While Pregnant: What You Need to Know

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Is It Okay to Take Ecstasy While Pregnant?

Ecstasy, commonly known as MDMA, is a drug that mimics the effects ofstimulantsand produces hallucinogenic effects. Ecstasy is widely misused by young adults and is considered to be harmful. It is especially harmful if taken for long periods of time, as it can cause or amplify several mental health disorders, includingdepression.

One of the major problems with ecstasy is that it’s referred to as the “happy drug” due to the warm, happy feeling it provides to people, making them believe the drug is harmless. For this reason, many pregnant women may continue to take ecstasy without knowing the potential risk for birth defects and developmental issues.

Studies show that taking ecstasy during pregnancy increases the odds of the baby having delayed motor skills for the first two years of life. Most research confirms slower movement, coordination, etc. for just the first two years, but it is possible for these problems to last even longer.

Effects of Ecstasy on the Fetus

Ecstasy can affect the fetus in many ways. Women who take ecstasy while pregnant often experience behavioral issues, like anger, depression, and anxiety. Since ecstasy works like a stimulant, it can lower a person’s appetite, leading to malnourishment and anorexia disorders.

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Studies show that babies who have been exposed to ecstasy in the wombhave an increased chance for:

  • Smaller birth weight and length
  • Higher chance for congenital defects
  • Delays in motor development skills
  • Cardiovascular defects

Taking ecstasy while pregnant raises the chance it will negatively affect the baby’s motor development and heart rather than cause physical birth defects.

Oddly enough, taking ecstasy while pregnant will also greatly increase the possibility of having a boy. Research shows that seventy-one percent of babies born exposed to ecstasy were boys.

Ecstasyaddictionis dangerous for expectant mothers. Mothers struggling with a substance use disorder will often hide their addiction in fear of judgment and losing their child. While these fears are understandable, it is important to seek medical help to ensure the safety of the fetus. The Recovery Village hasfacilities across the countryand our staff will do what we can to help you or your loved one live a substance-free life.

Babies Born Addicted to Ecstasy

It is possible for a baby to be bornaddicted to ecstasy. Thankfully, the symptoms are usually easily treated as long as they are not serious, like a heart condition. Mothers who took ecstasy frequently during their pregnancy or took it closer to the date of birth will sometimes give birth to a baby suffering from addiction.

The most commonly recorded symptom associated with fetal addiction to ecstasy is sleeping problems. The stimulant effect of ecstasy interferes with a baby’s sleeping patterns after birth.

If you or your loved one is struggling with ecstasy, contact The Recovery Village today. We offer solid inpatient and outpatienttreatment programsand we understand the difficulties of addiction.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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