Miscarriage can result from many problems linked to cocaine use. Cocaine is one of the most common illicit drugs used during pregnancy. Doctors think that up to 10% of pregnant women may use cocaine during...
Cocaine has both short-term and long-term effects on the brain, including paranoia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke and more. With cocaine being the second-most illegally trafficked drug across the globe, it’s important to understand...
Smoking coke creates a powerful but short-lasting high, so people may become addicted quickly and experience health risks like heart attack, stroke and psychosis. Cocaine is classified as a stimulant drug, meaning...
Cocaine is one of the most deadly and addictive substances in the world. Learn more about cocaine abuse statistics. Cocaine is a stimulant made from the leaves of the South American...
Cocaine use impacts physical, emotional and behavioral health. Signs, symptoms, and side effects of cocaine, both short- and long-term, can help you identify someone struggling with a cocaine addiction. Cocaine...
Knowing the tops risks of cocaine use can help people understand the physical, psychological and financial dangers that come with using the drug. Cocaine is a plant that contains naturally...
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug with the potential to damage the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leading to consequences like heart attack and pneumonia. People who decide to stop using...
Because Adderall and cocaine work in similar ways, they have additive effects when combined, meaning that their side effects amplify and the risk of serious effects greatly increases. People commonly...
Cutting cocaine may help drug dealers’ bottom line, but it can be extremely risky for addicted people because they don’t know what is going into their bodies. Learning how to...
Cocaine has some medical uses, but like any prescription drug, it is prescribed only with the supervision of a trained medical professional due to potential complications like vasoconstriction. Yes, cocaine...