Signs, Symptoms, and Side Effects of Xtampza ER Abuse
Opioid-dependent individuals who take Xtampza ER may present with a variety of cognitive, behavioral, and physical symptoms that are characteristic of opioid misuse.
Physical symptoms can include itchy/flushed skin. This is due to a histamine response that is typical of allergic reactions. Certain individuals who are hypersensitive to Xtampza ER may experience itchiness even if taking small doses. Most patients, however, will not consistently exhibit signs of a histamine reaction until a regular dosage level is established.
Severely constricted pupils are the most common physical presentation of opioid misuse. The pupils in this stage are described as “pinpointed,” or constricted to their smallest possible diameter the closer the patient gets to a toxicoverdose.
As the patient becomes increasingly dependent on Xtampza ER, they typically begin to exhibit various psychological and cognitive side effects. These side effects may include confusion, agitation, irritability, mood swings, apathy, lethargy, extreme fatigue, and difficulty staying awake during normal waking hours.
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The individual’s social preferences and behaviors may also shift dramatically. They may lose interest in formerly favored activities or friends and begin to neglect self-care practices like exercise and proper nutrition. Family members may notice a shutting down of their loved one’s social awareness and desires. The patient may also engage in obvious drug-seeking behavior such as visiting multiple hospitals and doctors in search of additional Xtampza ER prescriptions.
What Is Xtampza ER?
Xtampza ER is an extended-release formula of the potent pain reliever oxycodone. It is an opiate-based medication that’s derived from codeine. Xtampza ER is prescribed to treat moderate to severe chronic pain. It is not indicated for the treatment of acute pain.
Xtampza ER Addiction
Xtampza ER has a high misuse potentialand overdose rate. Extended-release versions of synthetic opioids such as Xtampza ER can be especially dangerous due to their high drug content. Xtampza ER comes in single doses of up to 36 mg.
Xtampza ER is formulated to be released gradually into the patient’s system over the course of a 12-hour period. This time-release feature can be bypassed, however, by crushing the tablet and either injecting or snorting it. This is a common practice among people taking drugs recreationally and it greatly increases the risk for overdose or contracting blood-borne diseases like Hepatitis C and AIDS.
Several treatment options exist to help individuals discontinue Xtampza ER and other opioids. Medical detox can be an especially helpful practice for safely guiding patients through the difficult stages of post-acute withdrawals. Following amedical detox, patients are given the option of entering an inpatient or outpatient treatment rehabilitation facility.
Xtampza ER Long-Term Effects
Xtampza ER is not recommended for long-term treatment. Xtampza should not be administered to patients with pre-existing conditions of gastrointestinal obstruction, including paralytic ileus. This is because the substance may further exacerbate gastrointestinal conditions, especially with long-term use. Patients with biliary tract disease should be monitored closely for worsening symptoms.
Adrenal insufficiency is a potential symptom of long-term Xtampza ER consumption. Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can include chronic fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, anorexia, and low blood pressure.