Do people with autism frequently struggle with substance abuse? Learn more here. Are people with autism at greater-than-average risk of substance abuse? As we learn more about autism spectrum disorder and increase our...

It can be difficult to separate fact from myth when it comes to information about autism. This article dispels nine common myths about the condition. As with any other condition,...

Twin studies and gene mutation research suggests that autism is strongly genetic, but other factors, like gestational diabetes, can elevate autism risk. Autism is a developmental condition that can interfere with...

Treatment discoveries have made life with autism manageable. Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It was a commonly misunderstood diagnosis in its origins. In recent decades, the disorder has been...

Individuals and parents affected by autism may be eligible for social services benefits programs. Knowing the options and how to access them can open doors for help. Autism is not a...

While there is no cure for autism, many types of treatments and programs can help people manage their autism symptoms and improve communication. While many different types of treatments exist...

Learn about major scientific events and changes in scientific understanding that helped us better understand autism spectrum disorder. The concept of autism was introduced over a century ago as a...

Individuals with autism experience difficulties in everyday life due to deficits in social interaction and behavior. However, social support, therapy and other approaches can help to overcome some of these...

Statistics and facts about autism spectrum disorder reveal the prevalence, risk factors and professional care options for the condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 59 children...