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What To Expect at The Recovery Village Kansas City

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Making the decision to attend addiction treatment is an important first step in your lifelong recovery journey. Before you arrive at our treatment facility, however, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. This guide will walk you through some of the most commonly asked questions about what to expect during treatment and help you get started on the right foot.

Important Notice Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are closely monitoring all developments associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are taking proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of all patients, employees and the communities we serve. 

Please note the following updates:

Ongoing Monitoring & Response Policy:

ARS facilities are following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and we have strong infection control policies, procedures and systems in place. Patients are encouraged to report to nursing at the onset of any new symptoms to be tested.

Patients with a positive COVID-19 or rapid flu test and who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms may be quarantined and treated for five days within the facility. Patients with severe COVID-19 or flu symptoms may be discharged to a higher level of care to get the help they need.

Visitation Policy:

For the safety of all patients, family members, visitors and staff, visitors may only enter an ARS facility during designated visitation times. A patient’s treatment team must approve any visitor. Patients in the medical detox or inpatient programs do not have in-person visitors to allow them to focus on their recovery.

Phone Policy:

Patients can choose to make a safety call to loved ones upon arrival. No cell phone usage is allowed during the detox period. No cell phone usage is allowed during the first 24 hours of primary mental health care. Following the cell phone-free period, cell phone usage is only allowed outside of the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM to avoid interruption of treatment time. Upon admission, all personal phones will:

  • Receive a red security strip covering the camera.
  • The red security strip shall not be tampered with in any manner.
  • If the security strip is tampered with in any manner, the patient’s phone may be removed from the patient’s possession.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have questions or further concerns about any of our policy updates, please check back frequently, or you can reach out directly by calling 855-387-3291.

Checking Into Inpatient Rehab

You should schedule your admission before arriving at The Recovery Village Kansas City so we can ensure fully individualized attention for each patient. Not being on time for your admissions appointment could lead to a wait.

A pre-admission acceptance is a preliminary determination that indicates you are appropriate for admission to our facility. Based on your presentation upon arrival or during your stay, it may be determined that a different facility may be more appropriate.

To ensure our patient’s safety and sobriety, you must consent to a search of personal belongings and your person upon arrival. Staff will gather non-permitted items and store them safely and securely until the end of your stay. The Recovery Village Kansas City might conduct additional random searches throughout your stay.

Living at the Facility

When beginning your treatment journey at The Recovery Village Kansas City, you’ll start by preparing for your stay.

What To Pack

We’ve included an overview of what to pack to ensure you have what you need but can remain focused on healing and recovery. Items that are encouraged and discouraged are also included. Please limit your luggage to two bags. Three primary categories of what to bring include: documentation, financial items and personal belongings.

Required documentation to bring includes:

  • Travel documents
  • A picture ID such as a license, passport or government-issued ID
  • Relevant medical records
  • Contact information for your current medical providers
  • Contact information for family members

Financial items to bring include:

  • A form of payment for your treatment, like a debit or credit card or checkbook
  • A prepaid Visa gift card that our staff will use for requested purchases
  • A small amount of cash in prepaid gift cards only ($200)


  • All non-narcotic and non-controlled necessary medications must be brought with you.

We suggest you bring one week’s worth of clothing and personal items. This can include belongings like:

  • Cell phone
  • MP3 player, earbuds and headphones
  • Seasonally appropriate indoor and outdoor clothing 
  • E-reader without internet access
  • Exercise clothes
  • Contacts or glasses
  • Undergarments
  • Sleepwear
  • Deodorant
  • Alcohol-free shampoo and condition
  • Hairbrush
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Alcohol-free mouthwash
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip balm
  • Feminine products
  • Lotion
  • Alcohol-free contact lens solution
  • Blow dryer and styling tools (secured and checked in/out at specific times)
  • Disposable razors (secured and checked in/out at specific times)
  • Reading materials
  • Hobby items like adult coloring books or word searches 

We permit tobacco products and recommend bringing enough for your entire stay if you use them. Disposable vaporizers and e-cigarettes are allowed but they must be labeled as Pure Nicotine with no additional additives. There will be no opportunity to charge vapes. All smoke, vape, and tobacco products must be new and unopened upon arrival at the facility.

Things we ask that you please don’t bring to the treatment center include the following:

Drugs, Alcohol and Medications (These Will Be Destroyed Upon Admission):

  • Drugs, alcohol or controlled substances
  • Alcohol or drug paraphernalia, including anything referencing CBD or THC
  • Non-prescribed controlled substances or narcotics
  • Cigars, pipes and pipe tobacco, Black and Milds (Must be unopened)

Electronics (Nothing With Wi-Fi):

  • Laptops or tablets
  • iPads
  • Kindle
  • Smartwatches


  • Overly revealing clothes or very short shorts
  • Tank tops
  • Loose t-shirts
  • Clothing depicting anything related to drugs, alcohol or paraphernalia 
  • Any clothing with explicit language or images
  • Politically charged clothing

Personal Care:

  • Perfume or cologne
  • Toiletry products that are already opened
  • Exercise or metabolic supplements
  • Essential oils
  • Emotional support or service animals, not ADA-Certified


  • Weapons, including pocket knives
  • Any pornographic materials (including books, clothing, video and audio)
  • Sports equipment
  • Card decks and games
  • Aerosol products like hair spray or deodorant
  • Wire clothes hangers

These lists aren’t exhaustive, with a final determination of contraband being left to the discretion of the treatment team. 

Travel Arrangements

Our team of Recovery Advocates can help arrange your travel so that you arrive on time and safely at The Recovery Village Kansas City. Patients can book their travel, or we can help them coordinate plans. Our team can also help arrange pick-up to and from the airport or train or bus stations.

Smoking Policy

Each level of care has a covered outdoor smoking area. Cigarettes and chewing tobacco are allowed onsite, and patients who smoke are encouraged to bring enough new, unopened cartons for the entirety of their stay. Black and milds, cigars, pipes and pipe tobacco are not allowed. Vaping is allowed on-site, and approved disposable vapes must be unopened.

Phone Policy

Patients can choose to make a safety call to loved ones upon arrival. No cell phone usage is allowed during the detox period. No cell phone usage is allowed during the first 24 hours of primary mental health care. Following the cell phone-free period, cell phone usage is only allowed outside of the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM to avoid interruption of treatment time. Upon admission, all personal phones will:

  • Receive a red security strip covering the camera.
  • The red security strip shall not be tampered with in any manner.
  • If the security strip is tampered with in any manner, the patient’s phone may be removed from the patient’s possession.

Length of Stay

How long you stay at our treatment facility depends on your personalized treatment plan, insurance coverage and recovery progress. Patients generally receive 21–28 days of residential care, which includes 7–10 days of medical detox.

Will I Be Forced To Stay in Treatment?

Our patients are encouraged to stay in treatment to achieve their recovery goals. Leaving too early could put you at risk of relapse and overdose. However, you can leave treatment at any time, even against medical advice, as long as you aren’t a danger to yourself or others.

Insurance and Your Obligations During Treatment

Nearly all health insurance plans require you to pay some out-of-pocket costs in order to access your healthcare benefits (collectively, the “Patient Responsibility”). Your individual Patient Responsibility will vary. 

A staff member will review your Patient Responsibility with you when you’re admitted or as soon as you are medically stable. They will explain the deductible is due during admission and that the co-insurance amount and out-of-pocket balance will be billed and paid for once services are complete. Onsite financial counselors will review your financial responsibility again during treatment with case managers, who can also help you navigate FMLA.

It is your responsibility to check with your insurance provider prior to admitting at The Recovery Village Atlanta to understand your individual benefits plan. Please note that your insurance plan may not be a “participating provider” with The Recovery Village Atlanta. You are responsible for all non-covered and out-of-pocket costs related to your treatment stay.

Get Help Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use or a mental health disorder, The Recovery Village Kansas City can help. Contact us today if you have questions or to schedule your first appointment. 

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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