The following provides information about the heroin chemical structure, heroin chemical formula, and how heroin is metabolized. Heroin is front and center in the national spotlight for the wrong reasons. Heroin,...

Heroin has an interesting history. Learn about how heroin was initially used, how it was invented and why it’s illegal in some countries and not in others. Heroin has had a...

Heroin is one of the deadliest drugs in the United States. Learn about the mental health effects that heroin has on people who use the drug. Heroin is one of...

Why do heroin users often itch and scratch themselves? Learn why itchiness often accompanies opioid use and how to manage it. Wondering why heroin makes you itch? Itching is a...

Learn more about Chris' story and how his heroin addiction started with a simple injury when he was younger. Hear the full story with our video. Chris shares how he...

Synthetic heroin is a blanket term used for all heroin that is manufactured in labs. Some synthetic heroins are very potent and can be more deadly than heroin. Heroin is a...

So, in the general sense, who abuses heroin? Primarily the biggest groups that are abusing heroin are white men and women who are in their 20s and don’t live in...

Heroin comes in different forms. One of the most recognizable is known as black tar heroin. There are different forms of heroin and two of the biggest distinctions between them...

Drug tests can measure heroin in saliva, blood, urine, and hair for different lengths of time. In a new mother, heroin can pass through breast milk and harm the baby....