Muskegon Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
Muskegon is the largest city on Lake Michigan’s eastern shores. The last census indicated that the population was 38,401, but recent estimates put the population at 38,349. This is a slight decline, but the city still has the largest population of all the cities along Lake Michigan. It is also the headquarters of Muskegon County. The majesty of Muskegon, however, hides a startling truth about the drastic increase insubstance abuse.
This problem not restricted to the Muskegon alone. Michigan has seen an increase in the number of drug overdoses as a whole. Opioids,cocaine,andalcoholhave ensnared a considerable number of residents. Once hooked, victims end up becoming dependent on these substances. Despite having only 5 percent of the global population, America consumes 80 percent of all prescription opioids each year. In 2016, Michigan physicians prescribed 11 million opioids to residents. In Muskegon County, at least one person each day overdoses on prescription opioids. Alcoholism has also increased, with more people using it to numb emotional pain.
If you have developed a dependence on opioids, alcohol, or other drugs, it is not too late to turn your life around. There are various drug and alcohol treatment facilities available to help. You can also find numerous support groups that will help you along the journey back to full sobriety.
Finding Help & Recovery in Muskegon, Michigan
Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in Muskegon, Michigan
Dependence on any mind-altering substances can have a detrimental impact on your personal life and the lives of those closest to you. Many victims find themselves left alone to deal with the detrimental effects of substance misuse. However, you can find options for treatment at drug and alcohol rehab facilites. The numerous treatment centers can help you win the battle over alcoholism and opioid dependence. The following are the three main types of treatment programs available.
Residential Treatment Programs
In a residential treatment program, the patient is restricted to a medical facility where they can get treatment and attention day and night. This is quite suitable when the patient has had a substance use problem for a long time. It allows them to undergo detox and rehabilitation in a restricted environment. This is conducive for patients who want to stay away from any temptation. Such programs have physicians on the premises at all times. If you have tried to stop substance dependence several times with little success, a residential treatment program might be the best for you. Those with opioid, heroin, or severe alcohol dependence will be able to overcome their addictions in a safe environment. Ensure that the program you select also has a recovery support program to help you restore relationships as you rebuild your life.
Partial Hospitalization Programs
For some patients, a residential treatment may be too extreme. The closest alternative is a partial hospitalization treatment. In such a program, the patient arrives each morning for rehab sessions with physicians and therapists. The patient is then allowed to go home each evening. Such a program may be useful for you if there are loved ones monitoring you at home. Normally, this is the next step after completing a residential treatment.
Outpatient Treatment Programs
If your substance dependence problem is mild, you can opt for an outpatient treatment program. You are only required to keep the scheduled appointments. Physicians will monitor your progress, while therapists will help you deal with the psychological or emotional problems that led to your dependence problem. Such a program requires you to have unyielding self-control, and is the last stage in most recovery programs. One major benefit is that it will allow you to perform your day-to-day tasks with minimal interference. Those with jobs or families to take care of can greatly benefit from outpatient programs.
Muskegon Drug & Alcohol Detox Centers
Regardless of the program you choose, you will need to go through the different steps of recovery. Thedetoxphase is the most dreaded. During this period, substances are eliminated from your body. There are often withdrawal symptoms as your body acclimatizes to life without drugs. Depending on the dependence severity, you may need to check in to a detox center.
If you are only suffering from mild alcoholism, you may just get some medication to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms while at home. However, chronic alcoholism may need to be treated in a detox center. Physicians will administer benzodiazepines to assist in the detox. Similarly, opioids and heroin are highly addictive. Those who have been drug- or alcohol-dependent for a long time may be unable to detox without analgesics to prevent shock. Checking into a drug or alcohol detox center may save your life.
Recovery Meetings Near You in Muskegon
After undergoing detox and attending a drug or alcohol rehab center, you will need to join a support group to prevent you from relapsing. The benefit of support groups is that they are made up of people who have gone through the same experiences as you. They can help you deal with the damage substance use may have brought into your life.
AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous is known all over the globe as one of the best support groups for recovering alcoholics. The 12-step program can help you deal with the psychological issues that pushed you to alcohol dependence, and aid you in reconciling with those hurt by your addiction. Additionally, you will be able to regain your confidence as you interact with others who have been through the same thing. Each member is given an accountability partner who can help you when tempted to go back to drinking. The following locations in Muskegon have Alcoholics Anonymous meetings you can attend.
Hackley Life Counseling
1352 Terrace St.
Muskegon, MI 49442
West Michigan Therapy Inc.
130 East Apple Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Catholic Charities West Michigan
1095 3rd St.
Michigan, MI 49442
NA Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous allows people who have had a dependence on cocaine, opiates and other drugs to help each other avoid relapsing. It is based on the AA program’s basic structure. You will have an accountability partner as you embark on your 12-step recovery journey. Most of the teachings are centered on seeking redemption those you wronged while under the influence, and leaning on a higher power. The following locations in Muskegon have Narcotics Anonymous meetings you can attend.
Bethany Christian Reformed Church
1105 Terrace St.
Muskegon, MI 49442
Egelston Township Hall
5428 E Apple Ave., board room
Muskegon, MI 49441
Group Fellowship Reformed Church
4200 E Apple Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49442
SMART Recovery Meetings
SMART Recovery Meetings
AA and NA meetings are centered on a belief in God. However, not everyone believes in accountability to a divine power. If you are one of these people, the SMART meetings may be ideal for you. Instead of accountability to God, SMART meetings encourage those recovering from substance dependence to be accountable to themselves. The meetings use motivational techniques to influence an individual’s cognitive and behavioral preferences. You are taught how to deal with life’s pressures without turning to drugs or alcohol. The following locations in Muskegon have SMART meetings you can attend.
Healthwest Youth Services
125 Catherine Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49442
Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings
Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings
Alcohol and substance dependence tend to affect those around the user. Many friends and family bear the brunt of the negative effects of substance use. If you are close to someone suffering from substance misuse, you can join Nar-Anon and Al-Anon support groups. The Nar-Anon meetings are designed for people whose loved ones are struggling with drug dependence, while Al-Anon is for those who are close to people suffering from alcoholism. The support groups give you a platform to talk about how the indulgences of your loved ones may be affecting your personal and social life. The following locations in Muskegon have Nar-Anon and Al-Anon meetings you can attend.
Community Mental Health Services
125 East Southern Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49441
St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
2510 Richmond St.
Grand Rapids, MI 49504