While heroin can be snorted, unfortunately, some people assume that snorting heroin is safer since it doesn’t require the use of needles or any other tools. Article at a Glance:...

Deaths caused by opioids have skyrocketed in recent years, thanks in large part to new synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil. “Purple heroin” is a combination of heroin and fentanyl...

The media often portrays heroin users as violent or out of control, but is there any truth to this image? Are people who have heroin use disorders violent? The fast...

Heroin addiction can fracture and damage family ties and relationships with immediate and extended family members. The effects of drug abuse on families can be severe and long-lasting, especially when one...

An overview of the heroin history timeline and heroin addiction history. Heroin is one of the most damaging and also notorious illegal drugs in the United States. The U.S. is...

Below is general information about the signs of heroin use, and more specifically, heroin eyes. In light of the United States’ opioid epidemic, people frequently wonder what the signs and symptoms...

Some of the areas of information that can be helpful to have an understanding of, include how heroin is injected and how heroin is administered Understanding heroin and how it’s administered is...

A recent PBS documentary shows the realities of heroin addiction, portraying the real-life stories of people's personal encounters with the deadly drug. Statistics on heroin abuse and addiction help provide one perspective...