Signs of teen drug and alcohol use can be hidden in plain sight. Recognizing the physical signs of teen substance abuse is crucial to providing the help that your teenager...
Many different sources of illicit drugs and alcohol are available to teenagers, including through fake IDs, finding drugs at home, ordering them online and more. Adolescent drug use remains a...
If you suspect your teen is using drugs, they may be concealing them in these five secret hiding places. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, teen drug use in...
Help your teen overcome drug or alcohol abuse by understanding how teen rehab works and knowing which options are available. What Is Substance Use Disorder? The term “substance use disorder”...
Teens may experiment with steroids to build muscle and perform at higher levels in athletics, but they may be unaware of the dangers to their physical and mental health. Why...
Each teen rehab facility has different pros and cons. Find out what to look for when choosing a substance abuse recovery program for your teenager. Today, there are many different rehabilitation...
As a parent or guardian, it’s vital to understand the signs of drug abuse and how to address it. Here’s what you need to know... It’s frightening to imagine that...
Poor teen body image can lead to lifelong problems including mental health issues and substance use disorders What Is Body Image? “Body image” is a person’s perception of how they...
Learn about the slang terms associated with marijuana concentrates and how to tell if your teen is using them. Dabbing is a dangerous type of marijuana use that has become more...
No one expects parenting teens to be easy, and no one expects the parents of teens to be perfect. Yet parents are kids’ first and foremost influence, and can have...