The "I Am Meth" poem describes the many physical, mental and social effects of meth, helping readers understand just how harmful the drug can be. Problems surrounding meth abuse and addiction continue...

While the Faces of Meth showcased the tragic toll meth addiction can take, the Faces of Meth Recovery demonstrate the redemption possible after professional addiction treatment. Becoming addicted to any...

Methamphetamine is a powerful drug that can damage the brain and body in many ways. Fortunately, many side effects and symptoms are reversible through recovery. Methamphetamine, often referred to as...

Meth can be used in several different ways, and each method can have different effects and risks. Learn the differences between methods of ingesting methamphetamine. Knowing the differences in how...

A meth overdose causes a severe overstimulation of your body, which can lead to organ damage, heart attack and stroke. If you think someone is overdosing, call 911 immediately. Article...

Dealers may add coloring or flavoring to meth to make it more appealing, but there is limited evidence of strawberry meth being marketed to youth. Hoaxes often seem to come...

Everyone who struggles with crystal meth addiction has a story. Read the firsthand accounts of people who fell victim to this powerful drug but found recovery. “Crystal meth, or methamphetamine,...