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Evekeo (Amphetamine Sulfate) Withdrawal and Detox

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What Are Common Evekeo Withdrawal Symptoms?

Evekeo is a relatively new medicine used for the treatment of ADHD. It is also known as amphetamine sulfate in its generic form. Evekeo is approved to treat narcolepsy as well, and the drug is a central nervous system stimulant. As a Schedule II controlled substance,Evekeo has a potential for abuse, addiction, and dependence. These risks are especially high when someone recreationally abuses the drug. Evekeo is believed to affect brain pathways and neurotransmitters, including dopamine and norepinephrine. When someone uses Evekeo, they may become dependent upon it. This means that if they suddenly stop using the drug, they will experience withdrawal symptoms. Common Evekeo withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Muscle tension

Because of the ways that Evekeo and other stimulants affect the brain and neurotransmitters, many withdrawal symptoms are psychological. For example, depression, irritability, and anxiety are all symptoms of Evekeo withdrawal. Other psychological Evekeo withdrawal symptoms can include cravings, mood swings, hallucinations, paranoia and concentration problems.

Evekeo Withdrawal Timeline and Symptom Duration

People often wonder how long Evekeo withdrawal symptoms last. There isn’t one definite answer because the timeline can depend on many individual factors. For example, someone who has abused stimulants over a long period of time is likely going to have a longer and more difficult withdrawal experience than someone who used the drug as prescribed or occasionally abused it recreationally. For the most part, within a few hours after taking Evekeo, a person will start to experience crash symptoms. Within around 24 hours, the crash symptoms usually end and actual withdrawal symptoms begin. Anywhere from 24 to 72 hours after the last dose of Evekeo is taken, a person may experience fatigue and drowsiness, depression and cravings. Anywhere from four days to a week after the last dose of Evekeo, a person will start to feel irritable, have strong cravings, and will often have sleep problems. Psychological symptoms like depression and apathy can persist for weeks or months after the last dose of Evekeo is taken.

Managing Symptoms of Evekeo Withdrawal

If someone is taking Evekeo as prescribed, their doctor can help manage their withdrawal symptoms by gradually tapering their dosage down until they stop using it completely. If someone recreationally abuses Evekeo, they may need to taper their dosage down, but they may also need a professional, medical detox. While amphetamine withdrawal isn’t usually life-threatening, severe side effects are possible.

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Evekeo Medications and Detox

For certain substances, like alcohol or opioids, there are FDA-approved medications that can be given during detox. Detox is the period of time in which someone stops using a substance that they’re dependent upon, and it clears from their system. There are no FDA-approved Evekeo detox or withdrawal medications. Instead, with stimulants, the focus is on treating whatever symptoms might arise. For example, Evekeo detox medications can include sleep aids or psychiatric medications. Evekeo medications could also include antidepressants and medications that treat secondary symptoms. The overall objective with Evekeo medications and detox is to help the patient be as comfortable and as safe as possible.

How to Choose an Evekeo Center

Some people will opt for a medical detoxification at a professional facility. During a medical Evekeo detox, the participant has the opportunity to receive around-the-clock medical care. A professional medical team can provide monitoring and interventions if necessary. It’s important for people to understand that a detox center isn’t an addiction treatment. Detoxification is just the first necessary step of a full, comprehensiveaddiction treatment program. The best option for most people is to choose an Evekeo center that’s part of a rehab facility. That way, a patient can be evaluated while they are in detox, and once the drug leaves their system fully, they can go directly into addiction treatment.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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