Underage drinking and driving is taken very seriously in the U.S. Teens who get caught driving under the influence of alcohol can land in considerable legal trouble. What Is a...

Learn about the factors that lead to alcoholism and why alcohol is addictive. Most of us are aware of the dangers of alcohol and how addictive it can be. Rarely,...

Is alcohol a drug? Get the answer, and learn where to get help for alcohol addiction, on this page. This question is one that is asked more often than you...

One of the most significant principles of modern addiction theory is that drug or alcohol addiction is a chronic, relapsing illness. So what’s meant by this, and does this mean...

If you struggle with gout, drinking alcohol can increase your risk of flare-ups with this condition. Article at a Glance: It is essential to know about the relationship between alcohol...

Alcohol use can lead to lasting changes in how your brain functions. There are many stages of alcoholic dementia, each with their own symptoms. Heavy alcohol users can develop alcohol-related dementia,...

Meet Laura When Laura Silverman woke up for the second time in a hospital bed following a night of drinking, she knew that her life needed to change. For years,...

Alcohol use, especially heavy drinking, can disrupt key functions of the male reproductive system, including sperm production. Article at a Glance: Important takeaways about how alcohol affects male fertility include:...